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Standardising Environmental Economics

14 October 2020

Standardising Environmental Economics

Did you know there are two British and International standards on applying monetary valuation methods (BS EN ISO 14008) and using the results in decision making (BS EN ISO 14007)?
As the demand for economic analyses for environmental decision making increases, so does the appeal of standardisation.

A standard – whether published by a National Standards Body such as BSI, or the International Standards Organisation (ISO) – allows organisations to demonstrate that they are undertaking good practice. Standards can be used to implement what good looks like in environmental economic analyses while creating other benefits such as improved understanding and decision making. For environmental economists they can be a useful tool.

Our speakers will give a brief introduction to standards and talk about standards available that are relevant to environmental economics. This includes the forthcoming BSI 8632 on Natural Capital Accounting, led by Ece Ozdemiroglu. You will also be invited to join the public consultation on the BSI 8632 that will start around the time of the webinar.

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