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UK General Election 2024

Party Manifestos Tracker

Net Zero & Climate Policies

Conservative Party

Net Zero by 2050

Stress a ‘pragmatic approach’ to ‘cut costs’ with parliamentary votes on each stage


Labour Party

Net zero energy by 2030

'accelerating net zero'


Liberal Democrats

Net Zero by 2045 at the latest


Green Party

Net Zero as soon as possible and 2040 at the latest


Reform UK

Scrap Net Zero

Fossil Fuels

Conservative Party

Annual licensing for new oil and gas


Continued extraction from existing and licensed projects


Labour Party

No new oil and gas licenses


Continuing licensed projects for their lifetime

Liberal Democrats

No specific policy on extraction

Green Party

No new oil and gas licenses


Cancellation of existing recent licenses

Reform UK

Fast track new oil and gas licenses

Renewables, nuclear, and energy policy

Conservative Party

3x offshore wind

Labour Party

4x offshore wind by 2030


2x onshore wind

Liberal Democrats

'Removing restrictions' on new wind, goal of 90% renewable energy by 2030

Green Party

By 2035:

80GW offshore wind

53GW onshore wind

Reform UK

No mention

Land & Seas: Farming, Fisheries, and Nature

Conservative Party

Increase farming budget by £1bn over next parliament & maintain ELMs approach


Establish UK Farming Innovation fund (£20m)


Extend Seasonal Agricultural Worker Scheme


Animal welfare: ban import of hunting trophies, tackling puppy smuggling, tackling livestock worrying

Labour Party

Target 50% of all food purchased by public sector to be locally produced or certified to higher environmental standards


Make Land-use Framework and ELMs work for farmers and nature


Eradicate Bovine TB to end badger culling


Stronger animal welfare: ban trail hunting, end puppy smuggling, ban import on hunting trophies, end use of snare traps, phase out animal testing

Liberal Democrats

Extra £1bn per year to accelerate ELM rollout and introduce other 'public money for public good' programs


National Food Strategy: food security, prices, food poverty, health & nutrition


Negotiating for easier EU trade for farmers


Pass a new Animal Welfare Bill and ensure trade agreements match welfare requirements

Green Party

Almost triple payments for nature-friendly farming transition


Rules and monitoring on use of antibiotics, pesticides, overstocking: ending factory farming


Move to mixed farming along with a reduction in meat and dairy production and implement new horticulture support for fruit and vegetable production


Link farm payments to a reduction in the use of pesticides and other agro-chemicals.


End unfair trade deals


Commission on Animal Protection and rights for animals as sentient beings


Badger vaccination against Bovine TB

Reform UK

Scrap climate-related farming subsidies


Cut ‘red tape’


Target 70% food security


Conservative Party

  • 1.6 million homes by the next parliament

  • Abolishing nutrient neutrality rules

  • Abolishing stamp duty up to £425k

  • New Help to Buy Scheme

  • Committed to Green Belt

Labour Party

  • 1.5 million new homes over next parliament

  • Planning reform: update National Policy Planning Framework and restore mandatory housing targets

  • Increase stamp duty for non-UK residents

  • Change nutrient neutrality 'without weakening environmental protections'

  • Intervention if local communities are blocking development

  • Brownfield-first approach, fast-track for urban brownfield

  • Will build on greenfield 'without changing its purpose or general extent', prioritising lower quality 'grey belt' and creating 'golden rules' for people and nature to benefit

  • New towns

  • 'high-quality, well-designed, and sustainable homes'

  • First time buyers: mortgage guarantee scheme, given first chance to buy new developments

  • Protection against no-fault evictions

  • End developments being sold off to international investors

Liberal Democrats

  • Zero-carbon standard for all new homes

  • 380,000 new homes a year (1.9m over 5 years), with 150,000 social homes

  • Ban no-fault evictions, make 3-year tenancies the default, national register of licensed landlords

  • Giving local authorities & national park authorities power to end Right to Buy in their areas

  • End rough sleeping

Green Party

  • Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price Charter

  • All new homes meet Passivehaus or equivalent standards, with solar panels and heat pumps

  • 150,000 new social homes per year

Reform UK

  • Review planning system

  • Reform social housing law

  • Abolish the Renters’ (Reform) Bill


Conservative Party

Support charging infrastructure rollout


Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate

Labour Party

Restore 2030 date for combustion car phaseout/ZEV mandate


Accelerate charge points rollout


Support second hand EV market

Liberal Democrats

Restore 2030 ICE car phaseout


New charging points


Cut VAT on public charging to 5%

Green Party

Rapid transition to replace all petrol and diesel vehicles with EVs in a decade


Funding for extensive vehicle scrappage scheme raising to £5bn per year by the end of parliament


End sale of combustion cars by 2027


Remove petrol and diesel vehicles from the road by 2035

Reform UK

No legal requirements for EV sales

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