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7th Annual LSE/Imperial Workshop on Environmental Economics (2 day workshop)

10 June 2024


Imperial College Business School, London, UK

7th Annual LSE/Imperial Workshop on Environmental Economics (2 day workshop)

The next LSE/Imperial Workshop in Environmental Economicswill take place on 10-11 June 2024. This year it will be held in person at Imperial College Business School.

The programme will consist of full paper presentations and a session of egg-timer presentations for early career researchers (PhDs/Postdocs). We will also have a keynote talk by Prof Kenneth Gillingham (Yale).

The workshop will bring together top scholars from around the world to share their latest research in environmental, resource, and energy economics. The workshop is also a great platform to identify areas where further academic work is needed and to foster new collaborations.

Invited speakers are expected to participate in the entire 2-day workshop. There is no fee for attending, and we will cover and arrange accommodation for invited speakers. Meals, snacks, and drinks will also be provided free of charge during the workshop. Participants are responsible for paying for and arranging their travel arrangements (flights/trains).

Paper (and extended abstract) submissions are due Thursday 1 February 2024 (by midnight London time). Authors will be notified of acceptance by Sunday 10 March. To submit a paper or extended abstract, please fill out the following form.

We look forward to seeing you in June!

Attending the workshop

Workshop attendance is primarily targeted at LSE and Imperial faculty, postdocs, and research students. 

However, we are happy to extend the invitations to a few more external guests. Due to space constraints, registrations are limited to 50 people; we will, therefore, unlikely be able to accept all requests from externals.

If you’re interested in attending (local affiliate or external), please fill out our registration form by 15 May 2024. We will confirm your registration by 20 May 2024.

Attendants are expected to participate in the entire 2-day workshop. There is no fee for attending.


Eugenie Dugoua (LSE Geography and Environment; LSE Grantham Research Institute and CEP, CESifo)

Mirabelle Muûls (Imperial College London; LSE CEP; CEPR)

Ralf Martin (Imperial College London; LSE CEP, IFC)

Sefi Roth (LSE Geography and Environment; LSE Grantham Research Institute and IZA)

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