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July 2024

In this month's newsletter:

  • envecon 2025 Call for Papers

    • Submission details and conference date announcement

  • Save the Date: 30 October Webinar Reflecting on the first 100 days of the Labour Government

    • Plus more upcoming webinars 

  • New MPs with Environmental Credentials

    • The new Parliamentarians with backgrounds in climate and biodiversity action


envecon 2025: Date and Call for Papers

envecon, our longstanding annual environmental economics conference, will return to The Royal Society on Friday, 14th March 2025. 

Occurring annually since 2003, envecon is the only environmental economics conference in the UK that brings a large delegation of policy makers together with research providers, NGOs, and the private sector. 

Today, we are opening our call for papers. This year we are asking for submissions to be made through our website: click here for the submission form and further details. 

We're looking forward to receiving your submissions and to seeing you all once again at the Royal Society in March!


Save the Date! 30 October 2024 Webinar

Reflecting on the First 100 Days of a Labour Government

This event will take place 105 days after the King's Speech on the 17th July, in which the new Labour Government will outline their plan for government. As this panel meets, CBD COP 16 will be underway in Colombia, the US electorate will be less than a week away from casting their votes for President, and the venues for COP 29 will be preparing to welcome delegates on November 11th.

Against this backdrop, our panellists will discuss the progress and direction of the UK's Labour government in tackling the climate and nature crises on the domestic and international stage. We will assess the opportunities the government has taken as well as those it may have missed in an effort to provide clarity, food for thought, and direction on what to look out for in the next era of environmental politics.

More information will be announced in the near future, but you can register for this and other upcoming webinars here.Other announced webinars (with more to come) are: 

  • Savings Choices and Climate Change Beliefs - July 31

  • The IPBES Business and Biodiversity Assessment - August 28


New Members of Parliament with Environmental Credentials

With hundreds of new MPs and an entirely new Cabinet, it can be hard to keep track of our new Parliamentarians. Below is a non-exhaustive list of the Members of Parliament, all newly elected this month, that have backgrounds in environmental economics and climate and biodiversity action. The list contains their names, constituency, and previous experience:


  • Katie White OBE (Leeds North West) led the campaign for Britain's first Climate Change Act and was previous ED of Advocacy and Campaigns at WWF

  • Polly Billington (East Thanet) founder of UK100

  • Melanie Onn (Great Grimsby & Cleethorpes) former deputy Chief Executive at RenewablesUK

  • Luke Murphy (Basingstoke) former head of the Institute for Public Policy Research Fair Transition Unit

  • Miatta Fahnbullah (Camberwell and Peckham) former CEO of New Economics Foundation and advisor to Ed Miliband and Gordon Brown

  • Uma Kumaran (Stratford and Bow) former Director of Diplomacy and International Relations at C40 Cities

  • Chris Murray (Edinburgh East and Musselburgh) SERA Member, previously worked for IPPR in Scotland

  • Natasha Irons (Croydon East) SERA Member, previous council Cabinet Member for Local Environment, Green Spaces, and Climate Change

Liberal Democrat

  • Pippa Heylings (South Cambridgeshire) former Team Leader of the UK's Global Biodiverse Landscapes Fund at PwC

  • Victoria Collins (Harpenden and Berkhamsted) former Sustainability Consultant and has worked on environmental and economic policy in the European Parliament


  • Bradley Thomas (Bromsgrove) advised a heat-pumps firm on strategy and has listed reducing carbon emissions and increasing biodiversity as key priorities

Green Party

  • Carla Denyer (Bristol Central) previously an activist before working in Wind Energy

  • Adrian Ramsay (Waveney Valley) former CEO of the Centre for Alternative Technology

  • Siân Berry (Brighton Pavillion) former co-leader of the Green Party

  • Ellie Chowns (North Herefordshire) former MEP with a Doctorate researching community management for sustainability

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